Saturday, December 6, 2008


There's still a lot to tell about how Mark and I got to this point on our journey of adoption. I was planning to tell things in chronological order, but we're still living in the middle of the story, and things are happening.

On Friday, we got The Phone Call. We have now officially been "matched" with a baby! We are thrilled--if all goes well we will be bringing home a baby boy sometime in February. (I guess we were wrong about the pink blanket...)

I am still planning to go back and tell about the last 10 months or so, but I couldn't wait to share the news.


Mickie said...


Lynne said...

Horray, horray, horray!!! We are
SOOO excited for you and for all of us!

Sarah Jane said...

We were jumping up and down after we got off the phone with you! Can't wait to meet this boy!

amy turn sharp said...

This sounds amazing! congrats! Hiya gal- It's Amy Turn from Logan! :) xoxo