Thursday, September 24, 2009

It's Final!

A couple of weeks ago, we headed to the Summit County Courthouse for the finalization of Isaac's adoption. I went back and looked at my posts from about a year ago--on September 7, 2008 I had written about God setting the lonely in families. On September 8, 2009, our family officially became a little more complete. (Not completely complete--we're already ready for Isaac to have a little brother or sister.)

Many people asked me leading up to the finalization if I was nervous or worried. I really wasn't. Everything was in place, this was just the last legal hurdle that had to be jumped. I honestly wasn't that excited about having to go through with the hearing--I felt like I would be fine if they just sent me a letter saying it was all done. But I think I'm glad there was this official event. The pictures below are very special, I think. Obviously, we have loved Isaac as our own son since we first laid eyes on him. But now we have pictures showing us standing in front of a judge, saying that we will love him as our son forever and ever. Not every child gets such an official expression of love and commitment from his parents.

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